
Why I Ditched Time Blocking for To-do Lists

I first discovered the concept of time blocking during my college days. And it was a real game-changer for me. I could keep my life in order and accomplish my goals by putting my class schedule on my calendar and…

How I Use Notion with My Team

As a productivity enthusiast, I’m always on the lookout for tools that can help me and my team stay on top of our work. While working solo, I relied on Agenda to keep track of my projects, ideas, and plans.…

How Mockup’s Yearly Subscriptions Skyrocketed?

Mockup’s yearly subscriptions sales have increased by over 999% in the last week ! Here’s how the graph looked like: But that wasn’t by luck. Two weeks ago, we released Mockup 3.3, with major changes to the business side. But,…

Announcement: I registered my app business.

It’s been a long time since I posted on this blog. But this time I’m coming with a breaking announcement. I’ve been developing apps since 2013. But, and from day one, app development has never been about coding for me.…